
Bi-manual Manipulation: Addressing Real-world Challenges

Date: 27th May 2022


  • Fei Chen, Assistant Professor, T-Stone Robotics Institute, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR | Department of Advanced Robotics, Italian Institute of Technology, Italy. Email: f.chen [at] ieee.org (main contact)
  • Miao Li, Associate Professor, Wuhan University, China. Email: miao.li [at] whu.edu.cn
  • Sylvain Calinon, Senior Researcher, Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland. Email: sylvain.calinon [at] idiap.ch
  • Nadia Figueroa, Shalini and Rajeev Misra Presidential Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, USA. Email: nadiafig [at] mit.edu
  • Jihong Zhu, Post-doc, TU Delft/Honda Research Institute Europe, Netherlands/Germany. Email: j.zhu-3 [at] tudelft.nl
  • Maria Bauza Villalonga, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Email: bauza [at] mit.edu


Bimanual manipulation is essential for robots to reach human level manipulation dexterity. The involvement of the second robot arm is believed to greatly increase the dexterity and flexibility of robot manipulation and therefore to open new directions for both research and real world applications. But it is still a problem to identify the challenges in general and in modules which have slowed down or blocked this kind of novelty benefiting human beings? It is clear that we cannot focus on solving purely issues at the components level. We need a holistic, interdisciplinary perspective of robotic bimanual manipulation. Therefore it is important for roboticists from both academic and industrial community to join efforts together to review, re-investigate, reshape and pave the way to advance the field of research. To navigate our discussion,  we prepared the following question to be answered in the workshop.

Workshop Recording

1. Hao Ding -  Optimized Task Distribution for Industrial Assembly in Mixed Human-Robot Environments

2. Dmitry Berenson - Learning for Bimanual Manipulation of Deformable Objects

3. Adrià Colomé - Learning and Benchmarking Bimanual Cloth Manipulation

4. Qiuyue Luo - UBTech Humanoid Robot Platform Walker 

5. Tamim Asfour -Learning and Executing Bimanual Manipulation Tasks

6. Zoe Doulgeri -  Bimanual robotic grape harvesting

7. Michael Mistry - Impedance Control for Bimanual Manipulation Optimal vs Robust

8. Michael Gienger - Bimanual object manipulation experiences and lessons learned

9. Maria Bauza Villalonga - Bimanual manipulation through visuo-tractile sensing

10. Daniel Rakita - Generating accurate feasible and coordinated bimanual robot motions in real time

11. Abderrahmane Kheddar - Do we need to make a case of bimanual control

12. Hao Su -  Maniskill Benchmark Generalizable Manipulation Skill Benchmark with Large Scale Demonstrations

13. Claudia Pérez D'Arpino - Evaluating bimanual manipulation in shared autonomy


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